mocap MASTERCLASS level I
This masterclass is for anyone who wants to understand motion capture. You will be learning the basics of motion capture whilst using the most up to date studio setup. The course will focus on how motion capture works, what the popular tracking solutions are available to you, a history of motion capture and what the tracking will look like in the future. You will also be learning workflows in motion capture from a practical perspective in a studio environment.
What the course looks like
This course takes place over two learning sessions. Session 1 is lecture based day that gives you a deeper insight into motion capture. This session will focus on principles of motion capture and pose the question, why choose motion capture?
Day 1
What is motion capture
The origins of motion capture
Capturing the reality of doing - sses of motion capture
Why use motion capture?
Tracking solutions and the future
Day 2
A practical session where you are learning hands on in a fully operational motion capture studio, with the most up to date optical tracking technology available. You will be taken through the work flow of setting up an optical tracking system ready for a shoot. You have the opportunity to practise the process at every step, ensuring a knowledge, respect and understanding for the workflow. Day 2 covers:
Functionality of the camera in motion capture
Camera positioning
Visualising the capture volume using the camera's field of view
Camera placement
Camera exposure and focal lengths for optical tracking
How to set up in varying lighting environments.
Calibrating your cameras for motion capture
Using the tools involved in calibration
The importance of an accurate calibration
Understanding the capture software, from calibration to shoot.
Rigid bodies; understanding what they are and how we make them for motion capture.
Full body passive tracking; understanding what this is and the best practices for the most accurate tracking.
Recording data; the workflow involved and sharing the best practices and techniques.
This masterclass will be held in our Central London mocap volume, which is a working studio, where maximum class numbers of ten ensure plenty of hands on time, space for questions and a high level learning outcome. There is also the option of Team Target3D - and our specialised mobile kit - running the course at your venue. Contact us for details.
Our masterclasses use a number of third party software applications and game engines including Unreal Engine/Unity, it is recommended that you have a basic understanding of what these are. Please let us know before time if this is not the case.

about our motion capture and virtual production masterclasses
Developed following years of motion capture and virtual production management, R&D and service work, Target3D's educational curriculum is trusted by universities and individuals nationwide. The Masterclasses, led by industry professionals who actively use the technology and processes every day, are designed for industry professionals wanting to expand their knowledge of mocap and VP.
Courses for industry professionals, led by industry professionals
Hosted at our brand new mocap and VP working studio in central London
Constantly updated content to reflect the rapidly changing industry
Working with our latest cutting edge technology, the same as used for industry shoots
Join an existing masterclass as an individual, or arrange a group session for your workplace or university