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Virtual Reality

Looking to have multiple users in one virtual environment? Need them to high-5 or interact with accurately positioned real-world objects? Looking for sub-mm accurate active and passive tracking using the same camera?


OptiTrack have been delivering the highest in quality LBVR at sites like The Void / Zero Latency and, most recently, DOTDOT.London.


Give us a call today to find out how Target3D can help - (+44) 0203 488 2575


Using Passive or Active markers, alongside hybrid opts-inertial systems, we can effectively track a large number of unique markers or rigid bodies in large warehouse scale environments (or even outside!)

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  • Our real time tracking systems are the world’s choice for low latency, precision 6DoF tracking for passive and active markers.


  • Quick setup / Fast User Integration. Be fully immersed in a virtual wonderland.


  • Our HMD tracking systems consistently produce positional error less than 0.3mm and rotational error less than 0.05°.  With automatic pivot point reassignment for HMDs.


  • Our free developer tools provide access to camera images, centroids, reconstructed 3D points, rigid body 6DoF position and orientation, and nearly everything in between.

Virtual Reality Products

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