Virtual Reality
Looking to have multiple users in one virtual environment? Need them to high-5 or interact with accurately positioned real-world objects? Looking for sub-mm accurate active and passive tracking using the same camera?
OptiTrack have been delivering the highest in quality LBVR at sites like The Void / Zero Latency and, most recently, DOTDOT.London.
Give us a call today to find out how Target3D can help - (+44) 0203 488 2575
Using Passive or Active markers, alongside hybrid opts-inertial systems, we can effectively track a large number of unique markers or rigid bodies in large warehouse scale environments (or even outside!)
Our real time tracking systems are the world’s choice for low latency, precision 6DoF tracking for passive and active markers.
Quick setup / Fast User Integration. Be fully immersed in a virtual wonderland.
Our HMD tracking systems consistently produce positional error less than 0.3mm and rotational error less than 0.05°. With automatic pivot point reassignment for HMDs.
Our free developer tools provide access to camera images, centroids, reconstructed 3D points, rigid body 6DoF position and orientation, and nearly everything in between.
Virtual Reality Products
Recent VR Case Studies