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The Faces of Target3D Series: Meet Steve

Updated: Feb 16

It’s been a year since Steve Weall joined Team Target3D, but who is he and how did he get here? From being on the road with Rudimental, to an East London studio, here's Steve’s journey into Mocap.

Always interested in music and live events, from a tech perspective rather than the performance side, Steve bagged himself a degree in music technology from Southampton’s Solent University in 2008. Since then he’s worked in various music and live event roles - in music venues, for production companies and as a lighting and sound engineer.

Steve’s previous work with bands including Jungle and Rudimental has taken him ‘many times around the globe’ allowing him to avoid British winters by working in Australia and the southern hemisphere (sounds a bit like a holiday to us!)

So, how does being based in East London compare, and what does Steve do at Target3D? Whilst he claims the lack of sunshine is ‘brutal’, he assures us he loves his job as our Installation Engineer. Looking after the planning and delivery of T3D’s permanent installations and getting roped in to assist on the larger off-site shoots, Steve now works with our university and commercial clients.

Earlier in his career, motion capture wasn’t really on his radar. “The VR, online, mocap side of things was becoming bigger and bigger making it a logical direction to go in, career-wise. Covid has opened up loads more opportunities for this and I think the industry is only going to get bigger in the coming years.” We're growing! View our current vacancies or read more about our team.


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