Vanishing Point
Vanishing Point
Vanishing Point, with their background in visual effects, motion capture and film production, offer a range of tools and services, improving the quality and usability of virtual production both on-set and in studio, while also making the technology used on multi-million-dollar film sets more accessible. Target3D, the home of motion capture, is the UK & Europe official distributor for Vanishing Point Vector.
Their custom software and hardware tools can help you bring virtual production to any studio or project, regardless of size.
Vanishing Point Vector is a single package plug and play virtual production solution, designed by industry professionals to bring cutting-edge virtual production tools to any studio.
Vector is a combination of hardware and custom software that allows you to use real-time virtual production tools right away, out of the box.
View the Vanishing Point Vector product in our store, download the brochure or call us and we'll talk you through the possibilities.