C-Motion Visual3D
Visual3D is the premier biomechanics analysis tool for measuring movement and force data as collected by almost any kind of 3D motion capture system. It is a Microsoft Windows application. It provides the calculations needed for kinematics and kinetics - including support for instrumented treadmills. It includes the latest mathematical techniques for optimizations, signal processing and filtering, inverse kinematics, complex biomechanical modeling, forces and force structures, and much more.
Customers include universities, commercial, and government researchers studying rehabilitation, neuroscience, engineering, robotics, sports (performance tracking, injury prevention, equipment manufacture, exercise studies), orthopedics, prosthetics, animal studies, disability assessments, and much more.
Visual3D eliminates the need for custom software and local maintenance. It manages data, creating indexes for querying, includes complex mathematical expressions support, and provides the implementation of published algorithms and processes.
Technical Specifications
• Custom, traditional, or standard biomechanical Models.
• Kinematics, Inverse Dynamics and custom calculations.
• Integrated Support for Force Sensors, Force Platforms, Instrumented Stairs, and Instrumented Treadmills.
• EMG and signal processing.
• Export to OpenSim. Global optimisation applied and .mot and.xml files produced.
• Comprehensive Data Management of C3D files. Subject tagging and model association allow for integrated data sets.
• External indexing allows for integrated access to libraries of data, subject, and files.
• Linked-model based calculations and much more