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Training & Simulation

Recent Training Case Studies

VR and motion capture are increasingly common for a variety of different training and simulation purposes.  Simulating real-life scenarios in which you can consistently repeat scenarios with the exact same conditions, and walk through procedures at your own pace, is invaluable to organisations, not least in industries like medicine and defence, where the risks involved can literally be the difference between life and death.

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You can create highly interactive, real-time teaching applications with very minimal scripting. The use of VR equipment can give you controllable, repeatable scenarios as well as  instant feedback, giving you will a powerful new teaching tool.

VR Headset


  • Perform high risk tasks in realistic settings, but with zero risk.

  • Have the ability to consistently perform the same procedure with the same conditions, with the exact same conditions over and over again.

  • Utilise virtual reality exposure therapy (in combination with biofeedback) to diagnose and treat a variety of conditions (phobias, substance addiction, skills development, PTSD, anxiety disorders and more).

  • Before construction even begins, present building design plans to doctors, nurses and staff and obtain valuable feedback.

Training & Simulation

Recent Training Case Studies

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